邓小平同志指出:“特别要教育我们的下一代下两代,一定要树立共产主义的远大理想.一定不能让我们的青少年作资本主义思想的俘虏,那绝对不行.”这给思想教育工作指明了方向.广大青少年的素质怎样,将决定祖国的未来.要培养“四有”人才,培养他们热爱祖国,肯为社会主义和共产主义事业献身,最根本的就是要进行理想教育.青少年处在世界观、人生观开始形成的时期,特别是中学时期是一个人成长的重要阶段,从他们的实际出发,进行理想教育,使他们懂得一些马列主义、毛泽东思想的基本原理,初步了解社会发展的规律,初步树立远大理想,这对他们一生成长将具有深远的影响. 进行理想教育必须遵循理想形成和发展
Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “Especially to educate our next generation and next generation, we must establish the lofty ideals of communism. We must not allow our young people to be captives of capitalist ideas. It absolutely cannot do.” This points out the work of ideological education. The direction. The quality of the young people will determine the future of the motherland. To nurture the “four talents”, cultivate their love of the motherland, and dedicate themselves to the cause of socialism and communism, the most fundamental thing is to carry out the ideal education. The youth are in the world outlook. The period when the concept of life began to form, especially during the middle school period, was an important stage for a person to grow up. From their actual conditions, they would carry out ideal education so that they would understand the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and initially understand the laws of social development. Initially setting lofty ideals will have a profound impact on their generation. The ideal education must follow the formation and development of ideals.