Patient 37 years old, married. From the age of 19 every 25 to 30 days after the first abdominal pain, sustained 3 to 4 days, abdominal pain when there is meaning, was progressive increase. 22-year-old married, not before the marriage check. Sex can be married after marriage, but semen outflow after sexual intercourse, due to periodic abdominal pain does not ease, the local hospital abdominal paracentesis after the pain relief to the hospital. Check: pubic symphysis can reach the top of the large pieces of eggs, medium hard, tenderness significantly. Genital development is normal, the hymen is closed, the base of the vagina to extend the direction of the vagina can be inserted about 4cm, but the central part is a blind end, the left can be seen a large purple blue nodules, with the probe can not be explored Into, no other channel. Triad diagnosis of pelvic cavity can reach the medium and high hardness of the uterus, the surface can reach the nodules, limited mobility, tenderness, double attachment area thickened, the boundaries are not clear. B-normal visible Palace of the normal size, uterine fluid (blood), both sides of the uterus can be seen irregular outline, back