神农架犀牛洞旧石器时代遗址是迄今在我国发现的位置最靠南和海拔最高的梅氏犀化石地点,也是我国单一地点中材料最丰富、保存最完好的,材料包括颅骨、下颌骨、单个牙齿及头后骨骼等.根据其门齿缺失、下颌联合部收缩、枕面较高、外耳道下部封闭、具有额角和鼻角、鼻中隔适度骨化、前臼齿较高冠及颊齿釉质层表面较平整等特征,可以将其归入Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis;但犀牛洞的犀牛肢骨比其他地点的要短.过去我国绝大多数更新世双角犀类一直被归入以现生种苏门答腊犀为属型种的Dicerorhinus属;现在看来,它们大部分应当被归入Stephanorhinus属才较为合适,因为在个体大小、鼻中隔骨化程度、外耳道下部是否封闭及门齿的有无等主要特征方面,两者之间存在显著差异.梅氏犀与我国南方更新世动物群一起出现尚属首次发现.
The Shennongjia Rhinoceros Cave Paleolithic site is by far the highest position in the country found in the South Mehrdahn rhinofossil locations, but also the most abundant material in our country a single place, the best preserved, the material, including the skull, mandible, a single tooth And the posterior bones, etc. According to the lack of incisors, the mandibular joint shrinks, the occipital surface is higher, the lower part of the external auditory canal is closed, with the forehead and nose angle, proper ossification of the nasal septum, the higher crown and cheek tooth enamel layer on the premolars. Characteristics, which can be classified as Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis; rhinoceros horn rhinoceros limbs shorter than other sites in the past most of the country, the Pleistocene rhinoceros has been classified as the species of Sumatran rhinoceros Dicerorhinus; now it seems that most of them should be classified as Stephanorhinus genus is more appropriate, because there is significant between the size and size of the nasal septum, whether the lower part of the external auditory canal is closed and the incisors and other key features The difference is that Meis rhinoceros appears together with the Pleistocene fauna in South China.