Patient, male, 81 years old, farmer. 6d before no obvious incentive, repeated heavy bleeding on the right nose, about 800ml, multiple local nasal packing and hemostatic treatment ineffective, on the night of August 19, 1987, emergency hospitalization. Inspection and treatment: The overall condition is slightly worse, remove the right nasal packing and blood clots, not yet identified bleeding sites, suddenly and major bleeding more than immediately before the gauze row of nasal packing. However, the blood spit from the mouth and swallow, check the pharynx, the blood from the right nasopharyngeal tick infusion, bleeding about 400ml. Then use before and after the nostril stuffing, bleeding stopped. Transfusion and symptomatic treatment, the condition improved. On August 25 after the nostril stuffed out before and after 6 o’clock that night, complex and bleeding, like a spring-like water from the right nose. About 300ml respectively