目的 :实验室评价新研制的 0 2舰艇防寒服的保暖性能 ,为舰艇部队实际着装试验提供依据。方法 :人员着 0 2服 ,暴露于实验室模拟环境 ,测量人体心电、体温 (6点 )、热债等生理指标。结果 :①实验设备、测试手段符合标准要求 ,试验结果有效 ;②受试者中心体温在正常阈值内 ;③受试者平均皮肤温度在较舒适的范围内 ;④受试者体能热债在正常范围内。结论 :0 2服能够满足试验条件下的御寒要求 ,可以进行人体海上试穿试验。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the thermal performance of newly developed 0 2 marine cold-proof suits by laboratories and provide the basis for actual loading tests of naval units. Methods: The staff of 0 2 service, exposure to laboratory simulation environment, measurement of human ECG, body temperature (6 points), hot debt and other physiological indicators. Results: ① The experimental equipment and test methods were in line with the standard requirements, and the test results were valid; ② The subjects’ central body temperature was within the normal threshold; ③ The subjects’ average skin temperature was within the comfortable range; ④ The participants’ Range. Conclusion: 0 2 suit can meet the warm-keeping requirements of the test conditions, the human body can try on the sea.