背景介绍 纽约血液中心(NYBC)中70%的全血献血者每年献血一次,另20%的献血者每年献血两次。另外,50%的全血献血者下年度不返回继续献血在低频率献血者比例最高。一项计划旨在保留低频率献血者并提高他们的献血频率,NYBC在2000年创立了千禧年俱乐部。该项目邀请年捐血1次或2次的O型和B型全血献血者加入,并争取他们在2000年捐血最少达到3次,千禧俱乐部成员可以自主他们希望相血的月份,俱乐部配合并且确保他们在这些月份里可以联络得上以便按计划安排
Background Introduction 70% of whole blood donors in the New York Blood Center (NYBC) donate blood once a year, and the other 20% donate blood twice a year. In addition, 50% of whole blood donors do not return to continue donating blood in the next year and the proportion of blood donors at the lowest frequency is the highest. One program aims to retain low-frequency blood donors and increase their frequency of donation. NYBC founded the Millennium Club in 2000. The project invites O- and B-type blood donors who have donated blood once or twice a year to join the blood donation, and they are required to donate at least three times in 2000. The members of the Millennium Club are able to voluntarily meet their hope for blood. The club cooperates and Make sure they can be contacted during these months so that they can be scheduled