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  Four Civilized Central Park Zoo animals lion Alex, zebra Marty, giraffe Melman, pregnant hippo Gloria are best friends whom were fostered(养育)by human. But they have different temperaments. And they spent their quiet lives in face mixed people havingin blissful captivity(囚禁)with delicious food and good condition. Though it’s boring, they are accustomed to it because they take such world they have for granted. Until born curiously Marty flees away from the animal zoo flukey(侥幸地)under a group of penguins’(企鹅)help, their quiet lives are break up finally.
  Decide to flee away from the zoo to findMarty , but soon they are caught and boxed up to sent free to Africa in subway station by the zoo’s employees. On their way, they get free finally and drift to Madagascar, although there is a peril of the sea. They recognize the lemur(狐猴)and their kingdom there, surely their kingdoms’ enemies too. When the two sides both want gain something from they four, after their curious about the first entering to virgin forest is ending, how could they who are costumed to foster by human in the animal zoo come to adapt with the real law of the jungle wild life?
同学们在英语学习中往往用England指代英国。实际上,England只是英国的一部分,即英格兰。  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland即大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,才是英国的正式名称,简称the United Kingdom,即U.K.,它包括大不列颠和北爱尔兰;Great Britain即大不列颠,也是英格兰(Eng
【电影简介】     在夺得了2005年度金球奖的最佳电影、最佳编剧奖之后,《杯酒人生》又获得本届奥斯卡的多项提名,其中包括最佳电影、最佳导演、最佳编剧(改编)奖、还有Thomas Haden Church的最佳男配角、以及Virginia Madsen的最佳女配角奖。   电影《杯酒人生》讲的是主人公Miles与Thomas Haden 扮演的好朋友Jack的故事。Miles是一个失意的小说家,
“Harry Potter”    dominates box office     The boy wizard with glasses has worked his biggest box-office magic to date. “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” got $101.4 million in its first weekend.  
Bluetooth is a universal radio interface that enables portable electronic devices to connect and communicate wirelessly via short-range, ad hoc networks.   What is Bluetooth Technology  Bluetooth tech
■读汉语短文学英文单词    ① 喜剧:comedy  ② 电视剧:TV plays   ③ 精明:shrewd  ④ 沦落:be reduced to .../ fall low   ⑤ 改过自新:mend one's ways  ⑥ 胆小:timid  ⑦ 野蛮:wild  ⑧ 肯定:positive   ⑨ 月落乌啼霜满天:Moon's down, crows cry and frost f
柏林墙倒下后的17年,一个统一的德国将向世界打开他的大门。2006年的德国将成为一个来自世界各地的人们都能受到友好欢迎的地方。  这场锦标赛将在世界上最美好的舞台上举办,它的象征意义远远超越运动本身。哈克在1954年瑞士世界杯上,赢得德国的胜利,标志着德国以最美好的姿态重新回到了国际舞台。   在2006年,德国将有机会改变某些陈旧的观念。世界将有机会看到德国是一个怎样精彩的国家:美丽繁华的风景,
Dear son,  孩子:  The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me...  哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也不好了,请耐着性子试着了解我……  If I get dirty when eating...if I cannot dress... have pati
Tell Us!   像他们一样,你曾经历了有生最滑稽,最尴尬的时刻?  想告诉给大家吗?Send to us now!  如果你write it in Chinese,你同样能见识一下你尴尬时刻的English版哦!  顶级尴尬时刻  Top Embarrassing Moments    我们学校的一些超酷的女孩们每周都举办一场独一无二的派对,期待了整整一年的我终于被邀请了。派对上,我肚子突然
Once upon a time, in a solar(太阳的, 日光的)system that is, so far away from here that you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, were two planets. Their names were Yee and Lan, and they loved each other very m
吹口哨是没用的,我看到了,汽泡是从你后面出来的。    How long could I stand on earth……   我到底还能坚持多久……        谁说《蜘蛛侠》不比《骇客帝国》cool?  Who said that “Spider-man” is not as cool as “The Matrix”?