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邹:葛总监,您好。认真拜读了您《中国企业境外仲裁的优选平台—新加坡国际仲裁地》一文,我对新加坡仲裁制度终于略知一二。相比大陆的仲裁法及相应规定以及内地的仲裁规则,新加坡仲裁制度存在太多不同甚至让人不解之处。葛:新加坡仲裁制度成熟健全,广泛采纳联合国《国际商事仲裁示范法》及其仲裁规则,易于各国当事人和仲裁从业人员把握操作。近年伦敦一项调查报告显示,新加坡仲裁地名列亚洲首选、位居世界三甲。中国企业在遇到境外纠纷时,可以结合中国国情和商业谈判优势,充分运用新加坡仲裁特有的解纷理念和仲裁文化,利用新加坡仲裁地的中立性和国际开放性,便捷有效地解决涉外合同分歧和债务问题。 Zou: Ge director, hello. Seriously read your article entitled “The Preferred Platforms for Overseas Arbitration of Chinese Enterprises - International Arbitration Place in Singapore,” and I finally got a brief idea about the arbitration system in Singapore. Compared to the Mainland’s arbitration law and the corresponding provisions as well as the Mainland’s arbitration rules, the arbitration system in Singapore is far too different or even puzzling. Ge: The arbitration system in Singapore is mature and well-established. The UN Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration and its arbitration rules are widely adopted, making it easy for all parties and arbitration practitioners to grasp the operation. In a recent survey in London, Singapore ranked the first place of arbitration in Asia, ranking among the top three in the world. When confronted with overseas disputes, Chinese enterprises can make use of the unique dispute resolution and arbitration culture in Singapore arbitration in light of the advantages of China’s national conditions and commercial negotiations, make use of the neutrality and international openness of the arbitration ground in Singapore, and effectively and conveniently resolve differences in foreign-related contracts And debt problems.
研究海洋战略离不开空天,二者是紧密相连的。  21世纪是海洋世纪,也是空天的世纪,我们必须关注海洋,也必须关注空天,我们未来的机遇在海洋,在空天。而威胁也来自海洋,来自空天,准确来讲是海洋上的空天。    海洋上空的威胁  回顾历史,我们可以发现这么一个特点,从1840年到1949年中华人民共和国成立,中华民族遭受的海上侵略多达471次。新中国成立以后,除了台湾国民党军队实施过一些小规模的骚扰活动