据史书记载,南北朝时宋朝的阮长之,在武昌郡做官时,就以清廉勤谨自励。离任时,亲亲故故出于感激和惜别之情,不少人知道他的脾气,送钱不便,就送给他一些器物做纪念。阮长之表面上收下了,临行时一一奉还原主。调到京城,当了中书郎,夜里值班,突然有事去别处,黑暗中错穿了别人的鞋。第二天一上班,便将鞋还给别人并作自我批评。大家说:“昏夜中穿错的,不算什么错误”。他则说:“我的座右铭是一生不欺暗室!” 好一个“不欺暗室”!阮长之作为封建士大夫,能以这四个字为座右铭,并能不折不扣地付诸行动,廉洁自律,大公无私,确实
According to historical records, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Nguyen Chang-Sung of the Sung dynasty diligently and self-motivated when it was commissioned in Wuchang County. When leaving office, kiss the reason out of gratitude and farewell love, many people know his temper, give money inconvenience, give him some artifacts to commemorate. On the surface, Nguyen observed, he repaid the Lord one by one. Transfer to the capital, when the book Lang, at night on duty, suddenly something else to go elsewhere, the wrong people wearing shoes in the dark. As soon as she came to work the next day, she returned the shoes to others and criticized himself. Everyone said: “It is not a mistake to wear the wrong one in the midnight.” He said: “My motto is not bloody life room!” A good “no bullying room!” Nguyen Chang as a feudal monk, can these four words as the motto, and can be truly put into action, clean self-discipline , Unselfish, indeed