【摘 要】
We report on diode-pumped Er:Y
【机 构】
【出 处】
We report on diode-pumped Er:Y2O3 ceramic lasers at about 2.7 μm in the tunable continuous-wave, self-Q-switching and tungsten disulfide (WS2)-based passively Q-switching regimes. For stable self-Q-switched operation, the maximum output power reaches 106.6 mW under an absorbed power of 2.71 W. The shortest pulse width is measured to be about 1.39 μs at a repetition rate of 26.7 kHz at maximum output. Using a spin-coated WS2 as a saturable absorber, a passively Q-switched Er:Y2O3 ceramic laser is also realized with a maximum average output power of 233.5 mW (for the first time, to the best of our knowledge). The shortest pulse width decreases to 0.72 μs at a corresponding repetition rate of 29.4 kHz, which leads to a pulse energy of 7.92 μJ and a peak power of 11.0 W. By inserting an undoped YAG thin plate as a Fabry–Perot etalon, for the passive Q switching, wavelength tunings are also demonstrated at around 2710, 2717, 2727, and 2740 nm.
In technologies operating at light wavelengths for wireless communication, sensor networks, positioning, and ranging, a dynamic coherent control and manipulation of light fields is an enabling element for properly generating and correctly receiving free-s
We demonstrate here an environmentally stable and extremely compactable Er-doped fiber laser system capable of delivering sub-100-fs temporal duration and tens of nanojoules at a repetition rate of 10 MHz. This laser source employs a semiconductor saturab
以SiH4和H2作为气源, 采用热丝化学气相沉积法制备a-Si∶H薄膜钝化c-Si表面, 采用准稳态光电导法和I-V法分析了工艺参数对钝化效果的影响, 采用C-V法和深能级瞬态谱法对钝化后硅片表面的缺陷态进行测试。实验结果表明, 在频率为200 kHz时, 表面复合速率为54 cm/s的硅片的表面缺陷态密度为1.02×1011 eV-1·cm-2, 固定电荷密度为6.12×1011 cm-2; 本征a-Si∶H对硅片表面的钝化效果是由该薄膜在硅片表面引入的氢对应的键终止以及由其引入的固定电荷形成的场钝化效
We have fabricated low-temperature grown GaAs (LT-GaAs)-based plasmonic photoconductive antennas by RF sputtering of Au nanoparticles and have evaluated their terahertz detection properties. Localized surface plasmon resonance enhances the electric fields
基于衍射积分理论和复高斯函数展开法研究了超短脉冲贝塞耳-高斯光束通过圆孔光阑后在自由空间中的传输特性, 推导出解析的传输方程, 并对传输方程进行分析讨论和数值计算分析, 利用计算机软件进行绘图, 给出了归一化功率谱随横向距离的变化关系, 横向光强分布和脉冲波形随截断参数的变化关系。
针对现有无人机(UAV)载高光谱成像仪存在的技术问题,设计一种紧凑型可见近红外成像光谱系统。首先采用成像光谱仪与面阵相机共光路一体化进行设计,然后利用高帧频面阵图像来反演相机的位置和姿态参数,最后对同步获取的推扫高光谱图像进行高精度的空间信息校正。该系统的工作范围为400~1000 nm,幅宽方向的视场为43.6°,飞行方向的视场为20.0°,焦距为13 mm,光谱分辨率优于2.5 nm。利用ZEMAX软件对系统进行优化设计和分析,其中光谱仪部分采用棱镜-光栅-棱镜型(PGP)的设计,具有质量轻、成本低和