
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JIABUTUO
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随着我国旅游行业的进一步发展,旅行社的市场发展也愈加的蓬勃,从实际出发加强旅行社的管理,对我国的旅游业的进一步发展也有着积极意义。实际的管理过程中,最为重要的就是树立良好的品牌,这样就比较有利于品牌经营战略发展目标的实现。基于此,本文主要就我国在旅行社管理中的品牌化经营战略的重要性以及存在的问题加以分析,然后结合实际对旅行社管理的品牌化经营战略的发展策略进行详细探究,希望能通过此次理论研究,对旅行社的管理发展有所裨益。 With the further development of China’s tourism industry, the market development of travel agencies is also increasingly vigorous. To strengthen the management of travel agencies in light of the actual conditions also has positive significance for the further development of China’s tourism industry. The actual management process, the most important thing is to establish a good brand, this is more conducive to the realization of the brand management strategy development goals. Based on this, this article mainly analyzes the importance and existing problems of our country’s brand management strategy in the management of travel agencies, then explores the development strategy of the brand management strategy of the travel agency management in detail with the reality, hoping to pass this theory Research, the management of travel agencies benefit.
初中语文由小学语文过渡和发展,为高中语文学习打好基础,在承上启下中愈显其关键,初中语文老师教好语文是肩负使命,也是职责所在,初中语文课堂的教学最主要的就是做到读写结合,这样的语文教学才是一针见血直通重点,更有效果。文章主要就是对初中语文课堂读写结合的教学实践进行探讨。  一、读写结合的基本概念  读写结合,顾名思义就是把阅读和写作紧密联系在一起。它是指在文章的基础上,从文章的内容出发,设计与之相关