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  【Abstract】English, being the international language, plays a dominating role among various languages spoken in the worldwide. It makes communication easier, while it also threatens the linguistic diversity. Each language represents a special culture as well as a special identity. In order to protect linguistic diversity, several factors need to be taken into consideration. This passage is a general introduction of language diversity as well as the significance of protection.
  【Key words】Linguistic diversity; vitality
  As for communication, English is the most important language in the world as the result of British colonial power in the nineteenth century and the leadership of the US in the twentieth century. English is also the main language of science and technology in the world and its spread is advancing in many countries and regions where English has not been traditionally spoken. Therefore, English has also been considered a threat for linguistic diversity.
  Linguistic diversity in the world today is an issue of growing social importance becausea majority of all living languages are threatened in their continued existence.
  How they can be sustained is a matter of study and debate. Nowadays there are 5,000 to 7,000 languages in the world. It is difficult toknow the exact number of languages because the distinction between a language and adialect is not always clear. In fact languages are not isolated entities and in many cases there are no clear boundaries between them, it is rather a continuum that extends along ageographical area.
  As we have already seen there are many languages ‘at risk’ in the world. Krauss (1992, 1995) estimates that50% of languages could die in the next 100 years and that in the long term 90% of theworld languages could die. The demographic factor is crucial when looking at thevitality of a language, but the vitality of a language is a complex construct which is also related to other factors.
  The vitality of a language is related to several factors. According to Giles et al.the relative ethnolinguistic vitality that a specific language group has as compared toother language groups is based on its demography, its institutional control and its status.From a social psychological perspective, Giles et al. consider that the vitality of an ethnolinguistic group is “that which makes a group likely to behave as a distinctiveand active collective entity in intergroup situations” (Giles et al. 1977: 308). Thismeansthat the more vitality a group has, the more chance it has surviving and thriving as agroup. So individuals want to belong to such a strong and healthy group. There arethreefactors that influence this vitality: status, demography and institutionalsupport.   Taking into account the large number of endangered languages and therelationshipbetween language loss and power, discrimination and marginalization many scholarsfeel the need to establish policies to maintain language diversity. Crystal givesfive reasons to justify the importance of language diversity:
  i. Ecological diversity.
  ii. Languages express identity
  iii. Languages are repositories of history
  iv. Language contribute to the sum of human knowledge
  v. Languages are interesting in themselves
  A free language economy could mean the extinction of many languages and therefore language planning is essential.Language planning refers to ‘deliberate efforts toinfluence the behavior of others withrespect to acquisition, structure or functionalallocation of their language codes. Cooper breaks down the process into threecomponents: status,corpus, and language planning.
  Status planning involves the allocation of language to given social functions.Corpus planning involves the technical process of creating new forms, modifying oldones or selecting an alternative.To these two well established concepts in the literature, Cooper has added a third,acquisition planning, which is involved in those cases in which the goal is to expand thenumber of speakers of a language, either in a country or even globally, for examplethrough language teaching.
  A well known analogy between linguistic and ecological diversity is the ‘language garden analogy’ proposed by Garcia. According toGarcia it would be dull and boring to travel around the world and see that all gardensare of the same one-colour flower.The variety of flowers of different shapes, sizes andcolours makes our visual and aesthetic experience rich and enjoyable. Linguisticdiversity also makes the world more interesting and colourful but as in the case offlowers it makes the garden more difficult to tend. Some flowers (and some languages, such as English),spread very quickly and others need extra care and protection. Language diversity requires planning and care and involves some actions.
  [1]Crystal,D.English as a Global Language[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997.
【摘要】本研究以语料库为基础,采用中间语对比分析的方法对英语常用词use进行类联接与搭配的对比研究。结果显示中国英语学习者和英语本族者对于use的使用情况存在差异。在use作为动词及名词的各个类联接及词汇搭配中均有误用、少用或过度使用的情况出现,在具体词汇搭配上缺乏多样性。  【关键词】类联接;搭配;语料库;对比分析  【作者简介】马维霞,石佳玉,大连海事大学。  一、引言  类联接的概念自Fir
【摘要】本文从语素的定义、类型出发,具体阐释了Morpheme,Morph和Allomorph三者之间的关系。  【关键词】Morpheme; Morph; Allomorph  【作者简介】王雨霄,延边大学。  一、什么是语素(Morpheme)  语素是最小的语言单位,不能再进一步划分为更小的语言单位而不破坏或彻底改变其词汇或语法意义。boy和-s(boys),check和-ing(check
【摘要】国际音标对语言学习者和语言教师至关重要,要想学好或者教好一门语言,精准地了解其发音是重中之重;国际音标自初步确定以来,经历了很多变化,本文将以DJ音标与KK音标为参考,阐述国际音标的发展历程,对相关文献进行梳理。  【关键词】国际音标;DJ音标;KK音标;发展历程  【作者简介】孙炀坤(1995- ),女,辽宁大连人,东北师范大学外国语学院,学科教学(英语)专业2017级硕士研究生,研究方
【摘要】本文回顾了现代汉语外来词在不同阶段吸收外来词情况的发展变化。国内外学者在外来词词源编纂、文化交流、规范化和分类问题上都有了比较详实的研究成果,值得肯定,但在外来词引入之后发生得变化及规律研究方面仍有待后人进一步的研究。  【关键词】汉语外来词;词源编纂;文化交流;规范化  【作者简介】汤盼(1991- ),女,汉族,湖北武汉人,硕士研究生,武汉音乐学院公共基础课部,助教,主要从事研究方向:
【摘要】笔者感受到了北美教育与中国教育的一些细微不同,特别是聋生使用的手语有一些特殊之处,从而通过比较,感知在听障教学中的手语运用及实践。  【关键词】中加两国;听障学生;中国手语;ASL  【作者简介】许磊(1981- ),女,江苏无锡人,江苏省无锡市特殊教育学校,中学一级,研究方向:英语教学。  手语(sign language)在中国和加拿大两国的聋教育中都是至关重要的一环,所以,在研讨两国