龙芽木忽木总甙〔Arliaelata(Mig.)Seem.〕系五加科木忽木属乔木,在我国东北蕴藏量很大,以往试验证明其具有很好的抗炎、抗变态反应、强壮及抗缺氧作用。1 实验材料 ①动 物:昆明种小鼠,幼鼠12~15g,青年鼠18~22g雌雄各半。②药 物
龙芽木忽木甙 [Arliaelata (Mig.)Seem. ] Department of Wujiaokemu is a genus tree, a large amount of reserves in Northeast China, the previous test proved that it has a good anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, strong and anti-hypoxic effect. 1 Experimental Materials 1 Animal: Kunming mice, young rats 12 ~ 15g, young males 18 ~ 22g male and female. 2 drugs