
来源 :外国语言文学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:1igang
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本文分析对比了概念隐喻理论与概念合成理论在意义构建中的异同。在新意义的构建中,合成理论解释性更强,适应范围更广。概念隐喻理论解释的只是一些规约性语言表达,是两个语域之间的固定联系,解释的是系统的一词多义现象。合成理论试图解释思维过程的普遍规律。合成理论把概念隐喻作为合成的形式之一。二者都存在实证验证的问题。 This paper analyzes and compares the similarities and differences in the construction of meaning between conceptual metaphor theory and conceptual compound theory. In the construction of new meaning, synthetic theory is more explanatory and wider in scope. Conceptual metaphor theory only explains some of the language of the treaty, which is the fixed connection between the two domains and explains the systematic polysemy. The theory of synthesis attempts to explain the universal law of thought processes. Synthetic theory regards conceptual metaphor as one of the forms of synthesis. Both exist the problem of empirical verification.
陈嘉庚先生是著名华侨实业家,毛泽东曾誉之为“华侨旗帜,民族光辉”,建国后曾任中央人民政府委员等职。  陈嘉庚有句名言:“金钱如肥料,散播才有用。”他把历年来在东南亚兴办橡胶园和其他企业的结余,陆续汇回祖国,支援辛亥革命、北伐战争和抗日战争,特别是捐资办学,为国家培养有用人才。据不完全统计,他一生用于办学的钱就多达一亿多美元。  他曾经说过:“人谁不爱其子,惟必以道德之爱,非多遗金钱方谓之爱。”他从