1 玉米自交系质量是玉米种子生产成败的关键玉米自交系的质量既关系到当年的制种质量和操作难度 ,也关系到杂种一代的品种特性和增产潜力。为此 ,可采取以下措施。1.1 玉米自交系原原种生产要从严管理 玉米自交系原原种生产必须田间单株套袋自交或姊妹交扩繁而来。必须有专?
The quality of maize inbred lines is the key to the success or failure of maize seed production The quality of maize inbred lines both related to the current seed production quality and operational difficulty, but also relates to the hybrid generation variety characteristics and yield potential. To this end, the following measures can be taken. 1.1 Maize inbred lines of the original production to the strict management of maize inbred lines of the original production of the field must be self-bagging or sister self-propagation. Must have a special?