据说,全世界汽车马力的总和只是全人类力量的100倍,而全世界二亿台计算机的处理能力,却是全人类计算能力的333万倍!计算机强大的处理能力,正在改变着人类社会的工作方式和生活方式。 相互协作,是人类社会生活方式的基本特征。因此,计算机从孤立的单台PC机,客户机/服务器(Client/Server以下简称C/S)结构,三层体系结构C/S,发展到具有三层结构C/S的LAN。C/S结构,是以服务器进行服务。把C/
It is said that the sum of the world’s motor horsepower is only 100 times the power of mankind, and the world’s 200 million computers processing power, but all human computing power of 3330000 times! Computer’s processing power is changing the human society Work and lifestyle. Mutual cooperation is the basic characteristic of human social lifestyles. Therefore, the development of a computer from a single PC, client / server (C / S) architecture, three-tier architecture C / S, to a three-tier architecture C / S LAN. C / S structure is based on server services. C /