Synthesis and microstructure of zirconia nanopowders by glycothermal processing

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigger111
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ZrO2 nanoparticles were prepared under high temperature and high pressure conditions by precipitation from metal nitrates with aqueous potassium hydroxide. The effects of synthesis parameters, such as the concentration of starting solution, pH of starting solution, reaction temperature and time, were discussed. The results show that the ZrO2 nanoparticles are obtained at 230-270 ℃. The average size and size distribution of the synthesized particles are below 10 nm and narrow, respectively. The XRD pattern shows that the synthesized particles are composed of crystalline. The synthesis of ZrO2 nanosized crystalline particles is possible under glycothermal conditions in ethylene glycol solution. ZrO2 nanoparticles were prepared under high temperature and high pressure conditions by precipitation from metal nitrates with aqueous potassium hydroxide. The effects of synthesis parameters, such as the concentration of starting solution, pH of starting solution, reaction temperature and time, were discussed. The results show that the ZrO2 nanoparticles are obtained at 230-270 ° C. The average size and size distribution of the synthesized particles are below 10 nm and narrow, respectively. The XRD pattern shows that the synthesized particles are composed of crystalline. The synthesis of ZrO2 nanosized crystalline particles is possible under glycothermal conditions in ethylene glycol solution.
【摘要】化学的概念、定理、定律等,都是思维的结果,所有的化学发明创造都含有思维的结晶。因此,在化学教学中必须注意培养和发展学生的思维能力。  【关键词】化学教学农村化学思维教育    传统的“满堂灌”教学模式扼杀了学生的学习积极性,阻碍了学生思维能力和创造能力的发展,不符合素质教育对人才培养的要求。现代教育极力提倡以学生为主体的教学模式,如罗杰斯的非特异性教学模式(创设情境,提出问题,讨论、探究,
【摘要】 本文从三语习得的视角下的语言迁移理论出发,联系英语教师实践,在三语习得理论和研究成果中汲取养分,提出提高少数民族英语教学水平的建议,为少数民族英语教学工作中的难题寻求理论上的指导和帮助。  【关键词】 语际迁移 少数民族 英语教学  我校近几年少数民族学生不断增多,主要来自边疆五个少数民族。笔者在教学中发现少数民族学生英语基础薄弱,英语起步较晚,英语学习吃力,不能达到大学英语教学的要求。
The Ni, Fe, Co and Cu single and multilayer nanowire arrays to make perpendicular magnetic recording media were fabricated with nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide
【摘要】随着社会技能实用型人才需求量的增大,针对传统营销教学模式的现状及市场人才需求状况,改革现有教学模式势在必行,文章提出尝试运用项目模拟实战法、案例分析法、参与式教学法、互动式教学法、探究式教学法在实际教学过程中综合运用,以期达到更好的教学效果。  【关键词】营销策划教学模式改革    一、课程教学改革的背景和必然性  (一)传统教学模式的弊端   传统课堂教学讲究理论的系统性和完整性,侧重以
【摘要】 在分析数字化体育教学资源平台的研究背景的基础上,阐明数字化体育教学资源平台建设的意义和作用,阐述了数字化体育教学资源平台的软硬件配置,确定了数字化体育教学资源平台的整体构架,为数字化体育的研究和发展提供参考。  【关键词】 数字化体育 资源平台 网络教学  一、研究背景与意义  数字化体育教学是运用现代信息技术,并与高校传统体育教学环境恰当结合,传递体育教学信息,挖掘、开发体育教学潜力,