多弹头电脑控制射频系统主要用于治疗各期肝癌、肺癌,用于治疗肝血管瘤较少报道,我院于近期开展1例,取得较好疗效,现报告如下。1 资料患者陈××,男性,51岁,农民。因右上腹痛1年入院。住院号:251461。入院查体:皮肤、巩膜无黄染,全身浅表淋巴结未触及;心肺未发现明显异常;腹平坦,腹软,无压痛,未触及新生物,肠鸣音正常。化验:三大常正常,PT、APTT、AFP、肝功、电解质、肾功、血糖正常。辅助检查:心电图、胸透正常,肝胆胰脾双肾腹腔 CT(CT 号:19899)提示“肝右前
The multi-warhead computer-controlled radio frequency system is mainly used for the treatment of various stages of liver cancer and lung cancer. It is rarely reported for the treatment of hepatic hemangiomas. Our hospital has recently conducted one case and achieved good results. The report is as follows. 1 Data patient Chen X, male, 51 years old, farmer. Due to right upper quadrant pain, she was admitted to the hospital for one year. Hospital number: 251461. Admission examination: skin, sclera without yellow stain, no contact with superficial lymph nodes; no obvious abnormalities found in heart and lung; abdominal flat, soft abdomen, no tenderness, no new biological touch, bowel sounds normal. Laboratory tests: Normally normal, PT, APTT, AFP, liver function, electrolytes, renal function, and normal blood glucose. Auxiliary examination: electrocardiogram, chest thorax normal, hepatobiliary and pancreas kidney CT (CT No. 19899) prompt ” liver right front