本文对15例婴儿痉挛症患儿在24小时连续监测过程中,隔12小时每例作两次 CSF取样,用高压液相色谱仪和电化学检测器测定三种单胺化物的代谢产物 MHPG,HVA 和5HIAA的数值,结果发现5例呈系列点头发作组同年龄匹配的5例非系列点头发作组以及同年龄匹配的5例非癫痫脑病恢复期患儿之间并无有意义的差别,但从5例呈系列点头发作患儿的第1次和第2次 CSF 取样中的5-HIAA 数值来看则第1次明显高于第2次的测定数值(P<0.02)从而设想5-HIAA 高值可能是1岁以内婴儿痉挛症患儿常见的呈系列点头发作的影响因素。
In this paper, 15 cases of infantile spasms in children during 24 hours of continuous monitoring, every 12 hours every sample twice CSF sampling, high-pressure liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection of three monoamine metabolites MHPG, HVA, and 5HIAA, no meaningful difference was found between the 5-case series of 5-episode non-series nodonal groups of the same age group and the 5-year-old matched group of non-epileptic encephalopathy convalescent children From the 5-HIAA values at the first and second CSF sampling in 5 children with series hair loss, the first time was significantly higher than the second measurement value (P <0.02), so that 5-HIAA High value may be less than 1 year old children with infantile spasms common series of hair loss factors.