Y: There are some very rich people who love todistribute their wealth to the society or to those whoneed the money for noble reasons. Sure there aremany ways of giving. Setting up foundations, forexample, is a common practice in America. Namessuch as Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie are thelandmarks in this area. The purpose and function ofa foundation is believed to be closely linked tophilanthropy and charity. Then what are the historyand ideology of philanthropy in the United States?How do we read the minds of the donors? We arenow honored to have Madame Zi Zhongyun with ushere and share her years of research in this area.
Y: There are some very rich people who who todistribute their wealth to the society or to those whoneed the money for noble reasons. Sure there aremany ways of giving. Setting up found found, forexample, is a common practice in America. Namessuch as Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie are the landmarks in this area. The purpose and function of a foundation is believed to be closely linked to philanthropy and charity. Then what are the history and ideology of philanthropy in the United States? How do we read the minds of the donors? We arenow honored to have Madame Zi Zhongyun with ushere and share her years of research in this area.