Yuan Yuan is a famous professional painter of the Yuan Dynasty. His achievements in flower and bird painting are not only praised by the people of the time, but his descendants praise him more for his ink, which will really bring ink ink and poultry to the heyday of the Yuan Dynasty. Ink ink birds range includes two: First, freehand brushwork, with the literati ink play fun; First, based on the realism, the beautiful flowers and birds painting color Yan Mei into ink light. One of the most noteworthy phenomenon is the rise of the ink color in the art of flower and bird painting, which Wang Yuan has created. Replacing colors with ink, which means that painters have to be able to create more intriguing pieces of art that are more subtle than their counterparts, through subtle changes in ink color. In other words, this is a creative process that goes beyond the appearance of the appearance of things and reveals the pure and true beauty of things more profoundly and fully by means of unique means. On the basis of the achievements of the predecessors, Wang Yuan successfully completed the development of flowers and birds painting from the perspective of multicolored values to the highest of ink and wash, and adapted to the emerging aesthetic trend after a long and creative and arduous practice. Has a significant impact on future painting circles.