“Melting Pot”Culture in A Mercy

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  Abstract:A Mercy highlights the miserable experience of women from different ethnic groups in the early period of North American colonial times.Toni Morrison showed the reader a garden of Eden where people of different skin color and different gender live together harmoniously in the setting of a tragic world filled with discrimination and violence.This paper would analyze the “melting pot” culture reflected in A Mercy through illustrating typical plots happened among people of different ethnic groups.
  Key words:melting pot,A Mercy
  The earliest statement about “melting pot” appears first in Letters From an American Farmer written by French American scholar,J.Hector St.John Creveceur.He posed a question puzzling people for a long time,that is “Who are Americans?”(Creveceur 54)He thinks that Americans,neither Europeans nor descendants of Europeans,are a kind of unique people melting with multiple lineage.The “melting pot” theory actually manifest some American values such as “tolerance,respect and non-bias toward other cultures.”(Wu 19)
  This novel is unfolded around a white man,Jacob Vaark’s farm.On this farm,people of different origins live together and help each other to pull through dark moments.There are virtuous white bride named Rebekka,tough Indian housemaid named Lina,courageous black slave named Florence,gentle white slaveholder named Jacob Vaark,kind-hearted indentured white laborers named Scully and Willard and so on.
  Florence is a poor black girl abandoned by her slave mother in the plantation owned by D’ortega,who sold Florence to Jacob Varrk to offset debt.Florence witnessed her mother knelt down and begged Jacob Vaark:“Please,Senhor.Not me.Take her.Take my daughter.”(Morrison 26)because her little brother still need mom to care for.When Florence heard that,she felt astonished and disappointed because she thought she is valued much less than her little brother in her mother’s heart.Although Jacob couldn’t understand the terror in this slave mother’s eyes,he still feel pity on this abandoned poor girl.Even readers cannot learn until the end of the novel that this mom’s choice is out of protecting Florence.But,the shadow left by this abandoned experience made Florence lose the sense of security and long for being taken care of carefully.
  Lina,an elder Indian slave,bought by Jacob Vaark in order to manage the farm,has rich life experience and firm personality.Although her hometown was ruined and all her family members died miserably,she made up her mind to “fortify herself by piecing together scraps of what her mother had taught her before dying in agony.”(48)She decided to recollect every part of her national culture in detail.This kind of ethnic cultural treasure made Lina become firmer,tougher and more independent than others.On the farm,Lina took care of Florence from all aspects just like her mom.For example,Lina made clothes and shoes for Florence,and when Florence wore that shoes,she recovered maternal love and protection.Florence confided all her secrets to Lina also gave her impartial and sincere suggestion.They are from different backgrounds and hold different culture behind the skin color,but they have developed closed relationship just like mother and daughter,and their original culture blend together.   Rebekka is a white bride bought by mail from Britain.She was lucky to be the wife of Jacob Vaark compared with being servant or prostitute.But,when this European wife appeared on this farm as a hostess,hostility existed between her and Lina instantly.“The health and beauty of a young female already in charge annoyed the new wife;while the assumption of authority from the awkward European girl infuriated Lina.”(53)These two young women are from different ethnic groups and different social stratum.One is a European hostess,the other is an Indian servant.But in order to survive,women of different origin have to be company for each other.Rebekka and Lina supported each other to pull through time and time again.Rebekka regarded Lina as her only bosom friend,and value Lina’s judgment very much.Lina helped Jacob manage the farm loyally and took care of Lina wholeheartedly.She delivered Rebekka of babies and looked after Rebekka day and night when Rebekka was seriously ill.Although these two females have different culture and background,they have undergone the same loneliness and hardness,and they share the same maternal love.
  In this novel,there are a harmonious picture beyond race and gender.Jacob Vaark is a gentle and kind-hearted farmer.He respected and sympathized with these young women.At the same time,these young women taught him some skills related to planting and fishing.They made the farm in order and with vigor when Jacob was outside.It is Jacob’s kindness and pity,and women loyalty and diligence work together to build this peaceful farm.
  Besides,two indentured white laborers named Scully and Willard lent helping hands to these poor females regardless of bias on race and gender.For example,they helped half-blooded slave named Sorrow to give birth to her daughter without discrimination.“The men congratulated themselves”(132)for being “fine midwife”.(133)Their acts of kindness helped Sorrow turn from lonely and fragile slave to be a courageous and confident mother.From here we can see that it is men and women together build up this Garden of Eden on the farm.
  There are various differences among these people of different origin,different skin color,different culture and different gender on the farm,but because of the same living environment and similar living experience,they are mutual inclusive and build up deeply motherhood,sisterhood and kinship beyond race and gender.
  Works Cited
  [1]Creveceur,J.Hector St.John.Letters from an American Farmer.New York:Albert and Charles Boni,1925.
  [2]Morrison,Toni.A Mercy.New York:Alfred A.Knopf,2008.
  [3]伍斌.“歷史语境中的美国“熔炉论”析论.” 世界民族 003(2013):9-19.
  (作者单位:云南大学 外国语学院)
众所周知,中国是世界服装行业的大国,却不是强国。服装行业的产业链包括“设计——生产——销售”三个主要步骤,但我国服装业的产业链并不完善。我国的服装行业产业链偏向于后端,即以服装生产加工、分销出口为主要产业模式和盈利点,而在最核心的设计阶段有所缺失。因此,中国是服装业的制造出口大国,却不是服装设计强国。  我国的服装品牌包括工业化品牌、零售品牌和设计师品牌三种类型,分别对应我国服装业的三个发展阶段。
摘 要:2016年1月1日,中国正式终结了实施35年的独生子女政策,步入“全面两孩”时代。政策放开后能否达到预期目标,取决于全面放开“二孩政策”后育龄夫妇的生育意愿以及实际生育行为。因此,本次调研以宁德市青年为主要研究对象,对宁德市18-40岁的青年群体进行随机调查,了解宁德市青年二胎生育意愿并进行分析,调研结果表明,有62.2%的人有二孩生育意愿。  关键词:青年;二胎生育意愿;影响因素  从1
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摘 要:积极心理学主张心理学应该研究人类的积极心理品质。文章在分析当前高校生命教育困境的基础上,阐述了在积极心理学视野下构建高校积极生命教育体系的措施,包括倡导积极生命教育观念,转变积极生命教育目标,挖掘积极生命教育的内涵,建构积极型生命课程体系等。  关键词:积极心理学;高校;生命教育  近年来,大学生发生危机事件甚至自杀的消息屡屡见诸报端。据北京心理危机研究与干预中心的调查报告,自杀是中国总人
摘 要:随着社会经济水平的提高,人们的需要层次也发生了变化,对充满观赏性的艺术作品越来越追捧,而其中的舞蹈艺术也是深受群众的喜爱。舞蹈编导,作为舞蹈艺术的灵魂对舞蹈作品的呈现起着至关重要的作用。一个优秀的舞蹈编导,不仅仅是需要好的舞蹈技术,更多的是需要一种舞蹈的创造力,需要舞蹈编导本身具备良好的创造性思维。  关键词:舞蹈编导;创造性思维;舞蹈技术  引言:  舞蹈是一门艺术,充满了观赏性。一个舞
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摘 要:高等教育阶段更是青年社会性别意识形成的重要阶段,在此阶段对学生进行性别意识教育对形成正确的性别观念至关重要。本文通过文献研究对中外有关大学生性别意识教育的理论和实践进行梳理和分析。  关键词:大学生;性别意识;社会性别意识教育  法国作家雨果在《九三年》一书中阐述了未来理想社会男女关系的平等模式:“这就是说,你想使男人和女人的地位——平等。我说的是平等。我没有说相同。”雨果这种基于在承认男
关键词:工字形布局;拜庭;花梨梁架;屋脊装饰  西天庙简介  海口西天庙是一组纪念性的庙宇建筑群,祀明代爱国诗人--王佐。据该庙现存的乾隆三十年(1765年)刻立的《重修西天庙》碑记载,西天庙始建於明代隆庆年间,后屡毁屡建不下十次。仅清代,先后在乾隆三十年、四十年、嘉庆十四年,光绪二十八年共四次重大维修,并曾在原基础上逐步扩大和添建,目前的西天庙基本上保留着清代的建筑风格。头门立有石雕牌坊,刻有“
摘 要:时代的变迁赋予了当代大学生不一样的涵义,也给予了当代大学生不一样的生活和思想,追求的不同,享受生活的方式自然也不同。科技不断的进步,生活水平的不断提高,人类惰性的潜能又被激发出来,作为一名艺术系的学生,这也是我很早之前的想法,使艺术与科技融为一体的载体,就是我们IWERKS四维抽象艺术光感极限体验馆,所谓艺术就是抽象艺术,这里面的光感是由光影画引申一种新型的光感科技,利用灯光光暗、多重光影