赫然“名牌”二字,很容易使人想到豪华商厦上千元一瓶的燕窝、洋酒;上万元一件的领带、衬衫;镶金带银甚至影响了实用价值的情侣表、情侣笔;更不用说琳琅满目的高档家俱、电器、乃至上百万元的小轿车。款们、腕们在人群中有意无意地炫耀着那象征着身份和地位的标志:“这是名牌”。近年来名牌市场异军突起,精品屋、专卖店红遍大江南北;企业不惜工本地生产和宣传“名牌”;一些消费者则相互攀比地去争购“名牌”。可是,“名牌”就一定等于“昂贵”吗?笔者不敢苟同,因为很难在两者之间找到某种必然联系。然大众心态为何偏偏如此?传播学认为:人的观念是深层心理活动,谁也不能强加,包括他本人;但却可以从更高层次加以引导。所以,此种心态乃是暗示、诱导消费的结果。所以问题的关键便不在大众,而在企业,在企业的经营战略。 “名牌”之所以产生,就是因为有的企业在技术上不能垄断某一行业时,面对相同质量的竞争对手,不得不甩出这样一张文化牌来,将文化附加值溶入商品。以求带来新增和润。既如此,企业家们如何谋划,勿须他人过问。有人爱廉价倾销,有人专卖精品、极品,各行其道,殊途同归,自有经济
The awe-inspiring “brand name” makes it easy to think of a thousand dollar and one bottle of bird’s nest and wine in a luxury commercial building; a tie and shirt of ten thousand yuan; a gold-plated silver plate that affects the practical value of couples and couples. Pen; not to mention dazzling array of high-end furniture, appliances, and even millions of cars. The models and wrists intentionally or unintentionally show off the signs that symbolize identity and status in the crowd: “This is a famous brand.” In recent years, the brand-name market has sprung up everywhere. Boutique houses and specialty stores are popular all over the world. Enterprises don’t spare no effort to produce local products and promote “brand names.” Some consumers compete with each other to compete for “brand names.” However, the “brand name” must be equal to “expensive”? I do not agree, because it is difficult to find some kind of inevitable link between the two. However, why does the general public’s mindset think this way? Communication studies believe that the concept of man is a deep psychological activity and that no one can impose it, including himself; but he can guide it from a higher level. Therefore, this mentality is the result of implying and inducing consumption. So the key to the problem is not the public, but in the business, the business strategy in the company. The reason why “brand names” arises is that some companies cannot afford to monopolize a certain industry and face the same quality of competitors. They have to throw such a cultural card and integrate cultural value into the goods. . In order to bring new and run. Even so, how entrepreneurs plan, do not need to ask others. Someone loves dumping at a cheap price. Someone specializes in selling quality goods and gourmet goods.