11月10日,广州市职工思想政治工作研究会召开了思想政治工作为“三个确保”服务理论研讨会,来自各区、县级市以及计划、工业、交通邮电、城建、商业、外经贸、农业等系统的思想政治工作者70多人参加了研讨。 自去年广州市委、市政府为贯彻党的十五届三中全会精神,提出了要在今年确保国民经济适度快速增长和质量、效益稳步提高,确保实现城市环境面貌“一年一小变”,确保社会政治稳定和经济、社会协调发展的“三个确
On November 10, the seminar on ideological and political work of workers and staff of Guangzhou Municipality held ideological and political work as the seminar on service theory of “three guarantees”, from various districts and county-level cities as well as planning, industrial, transportation, post and telecommunications, urban construction, commerce and foreign trade, More than 70 ideological and political workers in agriculture and other systems participated in the seminar. Since last year, in order to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government proposed to ensure that the national economy will grow moderately and rapidly and the quality and efficiency will be steadily improved this year so as to ensure “a small change in the environment of the urban environment” Three Guarantees to Ensure Social and Political Stability and Economic and Social Harmonious Development