东平县技工学校是一所建校仅十年的县办技校,自建校以来,每年都超额完成招生计划,特别是1999年,在大学扩招,职技校普遍存在招生困难的情况下,又如愿从应届初中毕业生中招进了250名新生,成为泰安市同等学校招生中的佼佼者。那么,是什么原因使这所学校在激烈的生源竞争中招生如此红火呢?该校关键做了如下工作: 一、加大宣传力度。在面向全社会宣传的同时,把宣传重点放在生源集中的中学、乡镇。在形式上,坚持个别和集体宣传相结合,采取全方位、多层次、多形式,立体交叉的办法,借助广播、电视、报刊等多种媒体,扩大覆盖面,增强效果。组织师生深入社会开展咨询活动。在城区繁华地段设宣传咨询点或技术服务一条街,在农
Dongping County Technical School is a county built only 10 years of school-run technical schools, since the school since the annual enrollment plan overfulfilled, especially in 1999, enrollment at the university, general technical difficulties in recruiting students, but also do so Recruited 250 freshmen from fresh graduates of junior high schools and became a leader in the enrollment of students in Tai’an City. So, what is the reason for this school in the fierce competition for students to enroll so prosperous? The school did the following key work: First, to increase publicity efforts. While advocating for the whole society, we should focus our propaganda on secondary schools and towns where students are concentrated. In terms of form, we should adhere to the combination of individual and collective publicity and adopt a multi-dimensional, multi-level, multi-form and three-dimensional cross-cutting approach to expand coverage and enhance effectiveness through various media such as radio, television and newspapers. Teachers and students organize in-depth consultation activities. Prosperous location in the urban areas set up a point of advice or technical services Street, in agriculture