猩红热(Scarlet fever)为β—溶血性链球茵A群所引起的急性呼吸道传染病。1972年我县曾有过二例报告,近几年来已基本无病例报告。今年三中旬开始17天内连续发生8例,经临床和流行病学调查分析,诊断为猩红热病人,现将调查情况报告如下:
Scarlet fever is an acute respiratory infection caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. There were two reports in our county in 1972, and there were basically no case reports in recent years. In the middle of the third of this year, there were 8 consecutive cases within 17 days. According to the clinical and epidemiological investigation and analysis, scarlet fever patients were diagnosed. The investigation report is as follows: