努力拓展领域 积极引进外资——上海拓展利用外资新领域的思考

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一、现状和问题1、科技领域科技领域利用外资主要划分为四方面,即:研究部门、成果开发部门、高新技术开发区、市科委和市科协。科技领域在利用外资加快科技发展方面已取得一定成效,“八五”期间上海科技系统利用外资达32.26亿美元,其中利用外资最多的是高新技术开发区,其次是研究所下属的企业。如扣除高新技术开发区部分,科技系统利用外资仅1.32亿美元。形成这种状况的主观原因在于上海的科技领域利用外资缺乏整体战略规划,处于零打碎 I. Current Situation and Problems 1. Utilization of foreign capital in science and technology fields is mainly divided into four areas: research departments, research and development departments, hi-tech development zones, municipal Science and Technology Commission and CAST. In the area of ​​science and technology, some achievements have been made in accelerating the development of science and technology through the use of foreign investment. During the “1985” period, Shanghai’s science and technology system utilized 3.226 billion U.S. dollars of foreign capital, of which high-tech development zones were the most heavily utilized foreign capital, followed by research institutes. Excluding the hi-tech development zone, only 132 million U.S. dollars of foreign capital has been utilized by science and technology systems. The subjective reason for the formation of this situation is that the use of foreign investment in science and technology in Shanghai lacks an overall strategic plan and is at zero fragmentation
[摘 要]自主学习,就是学生独立地通过各种渠道获取间接知识和直接知识的能力。提高学生的数学自学能力,是我国当前教学改革的一项重要课题。提倡素质教育,就是要重视提高学生的终身自主学习的能力和自我发展的能力。  [关键词] 自主学习 自我发展 兴趣    2006年9月我大学毕业做了一名高中数学老师,刚刚走上工作岗位就赶上了轰轰烈烈的新课改,五年来的教学经历使我意识到:在新课改的大潮下,
李小龙将在韩国复清 摄制影片《猎奇女》的韩国“申氏家”影片公司投入5千万美元的预算,使功夫明星李小龙在死后28年复活 Bruce Lee will spend 50 million U.S. dollars i