健康状况的好坏是可以自我判断的。国内外医学专家经过长期研究和总结,将自我判断身体健康的条件列为“五快和三点”。 “五快”主要是反映生理状况,其主要内容为: 吃得快——它反映食欲好,因为许多疾病先驱症状就是胃口不好,特别是老人和小孩尤明显。
Good or bad health is self-judgment. After long-term research and conclusion, domestic and foreign medical experts list the conditions of self-judgment as “five fast and three-point”. “Five fast ” is mainly to reflect the physiological condition, its main content is: eat fast - it reflects the appetite is good, because many diseases are predisposed to poor appetite, especially for the elderly and children in particular.