无反相机在最近几年发展迅猛,各家厂商纷纷拿出自家产品应对市场竞争。当下,无反相机大体分为几个阵营:全画幅无反相机,目前仅有索尼一家独大;M4/3无反相机,以奥林巴斯和松下为代表;1英寸画幅无反相机,尼康是主力,三星最近也推出了NX Mini加入其中;而最为热闹的则是APS画幅无反相机,索尼、三星、富士、宾得、佳能,甚至是徕卡都加入其中。可你知道第一款APS画幅无反相机是谁推出的吗?答案是三星。2010年,三星第一台N X相
No counter-camera developed rapidly in recent years, various manufacturers have come up with their own products to deal with market competition. At present, no anti-camera is divided into several camps: full frame without anti-camera, currently only Sony alone dominance; M4 / 3 without anti-camera, represented by Olympus and Panasonic; 1 inch frame without anti-camera, Nikon is the main force, Samsung recently introduced the NX Mini to join them; and the most lively is the APS frameless camera, Sony, Samsung, Fuji, Pentax, Canon and even Leica have joined. Can you know who launched the first APS format SLR camera? The answer is Samsung. 2010, Samsung’s first N X phase