甲状腺毒症能否引起扩张型心肌病尚存争议。本文报道1例甲状腺毒症引起的可逆性扩张型心肌病。患者男性,57岁,有临界高血压病史。因进行性用力后呼吸困难4个月入院。患者8个月内体重减轻30磅。体检:四肢温暖并有轻度震颤,血压17.33/10.40kpa,甲状腺增大、质硬。颈静脉怒张,两肺底湿罗音,可闻第3心音奔马律,下肢浮肿。胸透示心脏增大,肺静脉高压征,可见Kerley B 线,ECG 示窦性心动过速,心率126次/
Whether thyrotoxicosis can cause dilated cardiomyopathy remains controversial. This article reports a case of reversible dilated cardiomyopathy caused by thyrotoxicosis. Male patient, 57 years old, with a history of critical hypertension. Due to progressive forced breathing difficulties 4 months after admission. The patient loses 30 pounds in 8 months. Physical examination: warm limbs and mild tremor, blood pressure 17.33 / 10.40kpa, thyroid enlargement, hard. Jugular vein distention, both lungs at the end of wet rales, can hear the third heartbeat gallop, lower extremity edema. Chest radiograph showed increased heart, pulmonary hypertension, visible Kerley B line, ECG showed sinus tachycardia, heart rate 126 times /