
来源 :青年文学家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzalpha
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作为日本首屈一指的漫画开山鼻祖,手塚治虫不仅在日本漫画界有着举足轻重的地位,也影响了世界漫画的风格。他将动漫作品中的文化审美形式和精神容量提升到了与传统的叙事艺术如电影文学等形式可相媲美的高度。究其根源,蕴含在作品中的悲剧性是作品力量的根本来源。本文将从解读手塚治虫作品为切入,进一步解析作品的主题、创作手法、以致其精神意指和思想内涵,深入探究其作品之审美和精神诉求的价值所在。 As Japan’s premier comic origins, Osamu Tezuka not only in the Japanese manga industry has a pivotal position, but also affected the world comics style. He raised the cultural aesthetic form and spiritual capacity in animation works to a level comparable to the traditional forms of narrative art such as film and literature. The root causes, the tragedy contained in the works, are the fundamental sources of the power of the works. This essay starts from the interpretation of Osamu Tezuka’s works and further analyzes the theme and creation technique of the works so that the spirit and the connotation of the works are explored and the value of the aesthetic and spiritual appeal of the works is further explored.