郑红红(化名)是一位很铁的哥们介绍给我认识的。2003年元月初,寒冬的大雪刚溶化,我主动约了她。在一间茶楼,我们面对面坐了很久,她才吐露出她和表叔的令人痛苦万分的孽缘。拯求父亲,我忍痛签下“协议书” 我的老家在湘西南山区的农村,那是个小得不能再小的地方,很贫穷也很闭塞。因为家境拮据,成绩优异的我勉强念到初二,就辍学回家,成了父母亲的得力助手。
Zheng Honghong (a pseudonym) is a very iron man introduced to me to know. In early January 2003, the heavy winter snow melted, I volunteered for her. In a restaurant, we sat face to face for a long time before she showed her and her uncle a terribly nasty evil. Father, I reluctantly sign “Agreement ” My hometown in the rural areas of southern mountains in western Hunan, it is a small place can not be small, very poor and very closed. Because of family constraints, excellent achievement I barely read the second day, dropped out of school, became a parent’s right-hand man.