我国“入世”后,要按市场经济原则发展经济,政府职能转变,政企分开,协会承担的任务重了,作用加大了。协会要更好地发挥桥梁纽带作用,为企业服务,为政府服务。要改变目前存在的对协会作用重视不够,甚至作为政府附属机构的做法,使其真正成为企业自主联合的中介组织。 但是
After China’s accession to the WTO, it is necessary to develop the economy according to the principles of market economy, change the government’s functions, and separate the government and enterprises. The task undertaken by the association is heavy and the role is increased. The association should better play its role as a bridge link, serve the enterprise, and serve the government. It is necessary to change the existing role of the Association not enough attention to the role of associations, even as a subsidiary of the government, so that it truly becomes an intermediary organization for independent associations. but