正值丹桂飘香,金菊竞艳之际,福建省画院迎来了二十周年院庆。 二十载,对于历史长河只不过倏忽间,对于福建画院来说,却是一个难忘的创业历程,她经历了初创、活跃、稳定与发展的漫长岁月,其间,初创的艰辛,曲折的困惑,发展的思考,收获的喜悦,林林总总,点点滴滴,无不倾注着历任领导和全体画家对社会主义美术事业的忠诚,无不沐浴着党的阳光雨露的滋润。人民的艺术得益于人民的呵护,二十年来,衷心感
At the occasion of Osmanthus fragrans, Jinju Jing Yan occasion, Fujian Province Art Academy ushered in the 20th anniversary celebration. For 20 years, for the long history of the river, it only happened suddenly and suddenly. For Fujian Art Academy, it was an unforgettable start-up course. She experienced a long period of start-up, activity, stability and development. In the meantime, the arduous and tortuous puzzles, The development of thinking, the joy of harvest, forest, bit by bit, all devoted all previous leaders and all painters of socialist art loyalty, all bathed in the party’s sunshine and moisture. Thanks to the people’s care, the art of the people has been feeling sincerely for two decades