女贞子始载于《神农本草经》,具有滋补肝肾、明目乌发的作用,用于眩晕耳鸣、腰膝酸软、须发早白、目暗不明等症,是一味临床常用中药。现就目前研究状况作一慨述。1 原植物鉴别研究 女贞子为木樨科植物女贞(Ligustrum Iu-cidum Ait.)的干燥成熟果实。过去的本草著作中,有将女贞与冬青混淆的情况。《本草纲目》中记载“东人因女贞茂盛,亦呼为冬青,与冬青同名异物,盖一类二种尔。”“女贞是木樨科女贞属植物,以叶对生,果实兰黑色为其植物特征;冬青(IiexpurpureaHassk)是冬青科、冬青属,它的叶互生,果实深红色,二者应注意区别。
Ligustrum lucidum was first introduced in the Shennongboshi Classic. It has the functions of nourishing the liver and kidneys and eyesight and hair. It is used for dizziness, tinnitus, lassitude and tenderness, premature whiteness, and darkness. It is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. I will give a brief account of the current research situation. 1 Identification of the original plant Ligustrum lucidum is a dry mature fruit of the Ligustrum Iu-cidum Ait. In the past, there were cases of confusing privet with holly. In the “Compendium of Materia Medica,” it records that “Eastern people are lush with Ligustrum, and also call it Holly. They have the same name as the holly, and they cover a species of two species.” Ligustrum is a genus of genus Ligustrum, which lives on leaves and the fruit is blue. Black is a plant characteristic; Ilex purpurea Hask is a genus of Holly and Holly, and its leaves are alternate, and the fruit is dark red. The two should pay attention to the difference.