也许是因为日本国离我们最近,也许更因为日本的文化和我们国家的文化有着太多相似的地方,近几年越来越多的人开始接受日本文化,这包括日本音乐、日本传统文化.还有孩子们喜欢的动画片、日渐走进人们生活的日本偶像电视剧、电影。 在国内到处充斥着美国大片的时候,日本的电影又悄然重新回到人们的生活当中来了。想一想我们这一代最早接触日本电影是在70年代末期到80年代初期,相信大家还记得最早高仓健、真由美.栗原小卷这些早期日本影星在我国掀起的一阵追星潮流。现在我们再谈起日本电影已经很陌生了,近10年的时间断裂带,需要我们重新去理解日本的电影文化。 不瞒你说,在日本的电影界还真有几个令人刮目相看的导演,老牌的、比较著名的黑泽明是其中之一。,而现在在日本电影界翻云覆雨的大牌人物就要数……数谁呢?就是我们现在要介绍的影片《御法度》的导演和其中的演员。
Maybe it is because Japan is closest to us, perhaps more because Japanese culture has too many similarities with our country's culture. In recent years more and more people are beginning to accept Japanese culture, including Japanese music and Japanese traditional culture. There are also children's favorite cartoons, Japanese idol drama and movies that are increasingly coming into people's lives. While there are lots of American movies in the country, Japanese movies quietly return to people's lives. Think of the earliest contact with Japanese movies of our generation in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and I believe we all remember the earliest Takakura Ken, really by the United States. Kurihara rolls These early Japanese movie stars set off in our country while a star-chasing trend. Now we talk about Japanese movies is very strange, the past 10 years time zone, we need to re-understand the Japanese film culture. Without telling you, there are really a few impressive directors in the Japanese movie industry. The veteran and well-known Kurosawa is one of them. , And now in the Japanese movie industry flitted big names will be the number of ... ... number who? This is the director and one of the films we are about to introduce now.