心肌缺血再灌注损伤(myocard ischemical reperfu-sion injury,MIRI)是指心肌在较长时间缺血后,恢复其血液灌注,反而出现比再灌注前更严重、更明显的超微结构损伤、功能和代谢障碍以及电生理的变化[1]。由Jennings于1960年首先提出。其表现为心肌顿抑、心律失常、心肌能量代谢障碍以及一些致死
Myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury (MIRI) refers to myocardial ischemia after a long time to restore its blood perfusion, but more serious than before reperfusion, more obvious ultrastructural damage, function And metabolic disorders and electrophysiological changes [1]. First proposed by Jennings in 1960. The performance of myocardial stunning, arrhythmia, myocardial energy metabolism disorders and some lethal