情系长路——记云南省腾冲县交警大队长 董润和

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腾冲地处祖国西南边陲,历史上是“西南丝绸之路”的要冲,是蜚声海内外的侨乡,著名的历史文化名城,历来是中缅边境贸易的中心;县城距省会昆明761公里,距缅甸北方重镇密支那217公里,有一条支线连接着近代史上著名的史迪威公路,是我国从陆地上连接东南亚的重要门户。当年古驿道上的悠悠铜铃和马帮,已经成了遥远的过去。而今,每天都有数千辆汽车在公路上疾驶,喇叭声声,唤醒了沉睡的横断山脉。在改革开放的九十年代,古老的八关九隘门户齐开,一百多条通道伸向缅甸,连着万千胞波,腾冲重新成为西甫边陲的重要开放口岸,车辆数量剧增,交通管理工作面临着 Tengchong is located in the southwestern border of the motherland. Historically it is the hub of the “Southwest Silk Road.” It is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and famous historical and cultural city. It has always been the center of trade between China and Myanmar. The county is 761 kilometers away from the provincial capital Kunming. , 217 kilometers away from Myitkyina, the northern town of Burma, and one branch connecting the famous Stilwell Highway in modern history, is an important gateway for our country to connect with Southeast Asia from land. When the ancient post road long bells and caravans, has become a distant past. Today, thousands of cars are driven daily on the roads, the sound of trumpets awakens the sleeping cross-country mountains. In the 90s of reform and opening up, the ancient eight-and-nine-door portals opened up with more than 100 channels extending to Myanmar. Together with thousands of cellular waves, Tengchong re-emerged as an important open port in the border area with the West and the number of vehicles increased sharply. Traffic management is facing work
乙型肝炎表面抗原亚型在国内常见有三种,即 adw,adr,ayw。ayr 罕见。在一定地区或民族中亚型具有一定的稳定特性,因此亚型检测对该地区或民族中肝炎传染源和传播途径的探讨