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“神舟号”于北京时间20日晨6:30酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,火箭飞行10分钟后,火箭与飞船分离,飞船按照计划驶入轨道。21日凌晨在内蒙古中部地区成功着陆。这是中国载人航天飞行史上的首次试验飞行,这次试飞的成功标致着我国航天事业迈出了重要的步伐。这次试飞的成功对我国全面突破和掌握载人航天技术具有重要意义,这是中国航天史上的重要的里程碑。中国国家主席江泽民亲自为这艘飞船命名为“神舟号”。这艘飞船是有中国航天科技集团所属的空间技术研究院、上海航天技术研究院为主研制的。载人航天技术是当今规模最大、技术最复杂的技术,从1961年4月人类 “Shenzhou” At 6:30 Beijing time on the morning of 6:30 Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center launch, rockets 10 minutes after the rocket and spacecraft separation, spacecraft in orbit as planned. In the early morning of the 21st, a successful landing in the central region of Inner Mongolia. This is the first pilot flight in the history of manned space flight in China. The success of this test flight has taken an important step toward our aerospace undertaking. The success of this test flight is of great significance to our comprehensive breakthrough and mastering of manned space technology. This is an important milestone in the history of China’s spaceflight. Chinese President Jiang Zemin personally named the spacecraft “Shenzhou”. The spacecraft is owned by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Space Technology Research Institute, Shanghai Aerospace Technology Research Institute mainly developed. Manned space technology is today the largest and most technologically complex technology. From April 1961, mankind
图中所示为更新后的JAS-39驾驶舱.3台15厘米×20厘米的大尺寸彩色显示器取代了原来单色的显示器,并 The picture shows the updated JAS-39 cockpit. Three 15 cm x 20 cm l
FAA最近提出两个适航性指令,目的是消除波音747飞机中燃油箱附近的点火源.第一个适航性指令有12个 The FAA recently proposed two airworthiness directives aimed at elim
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