The initial description of dislocation may be Berryat (1749). A century later, Stellwag used the term ectopic to describe congenital dislocation. However, it has been recognized for many years that ectopic crystals may provide important diagnostic clues to other eye diseases and systemic diseases. The most obvious ocular ectopic ocular manifestations of vision loss, the degree of visual impairment, due to the type of dislocation, the degree of dislocation of the crystal, as well as the combined existence of ocular abnormalities vary. Very slight subluxation of the crystal may not cause ocular symptoms. Crystal small band can cause the curvature of the fracture increases, resulting in crystalline myopia and astigmatism. If the lens dislocation of the eye, with glaucoma, cataracts, or retinal detachment, the prognosis of their vision is more serious, and even lead to blindness. Ectopia is still the most ophthalmologist in the diagnosis and treatment of a problem to be solved. A complete body and eye examination must be performed to identify the cause of the disease and appropriate treatment should be given and preventive measures taken. This article will review the treatment of patients with crystal ectopic, differential diagnosis may occur