Thymoquinone suppresses migration of Lo Vo human colon cancer cells by reducing prostaglandin E2 ind

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacky1313
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AIM To identify potential anti-cancer constituents in natural extracts that inhibit cancer cell growth and migration.METHODS Our experiments used high dose thymoquinone(TQ) as an inhibitor to arrest Lo Vo(a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line) cancer cell growth, which was detected by cell proliferation assay and immunoblotting assay. Low dose TQ did not significantly reduce Lo Vo cancer cell growth. Cyclooxygenase 2(COX-2) is an enzyme that is involved in the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2(PGE2) in humans. PGE2 can promote COX-2 protein expression and tumor cell proliferation and was used as a control.RESULTS Our results showed that 20 μmol/L TQ significantly reduced human LoV o colon cancer cell proliferation. TQ treatment reduced the levels of p-PI3 K, p-Akt, p-GSK3β, and β-catenin and thereby inhibited the downstream COX-2 expression. Results also showed that the reduction in COX-2 expression resulted in a reduction in PGE2 levels and the suppression of EP2 and EP4 activation. Further analysis showed that TG treatment inhibited the nuclear translocation of β-catenin in LoV o cancer cells. The levels of the cofactors LEF-1 and TCF-4 were also decreased in the nucleus following TQ treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment with low dose TQ inhibited the COX-2 expression at the transcriptional level and the regulation of COX-2 expression efficiently reduced LoV o cell migration. The results were further verified in vivo by confirming the effects of TQ and/or PGE2 using tumor xenografts in nude mice.CONCLUSION TQ inhibits LoV o cancer cell growth and migration, and this result highlights the therapeutic advantage of using TQ in combination therapy against colorectal cancer. AIM To identify potential anti-cancer constituents in natural extracts that inhibit cancer cell growth and migration. METHODS Our experiments used high dose thymoquinone (TQ) as an inhibitor to arrest Lo Vo (a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line) cancer cell growth, which was detected by cell proliferation assay and immunoblotting assay. Low dose TQ did not significantly reduce Lo Vo cancer cell growth. Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is an enzyme that is involved in the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in humans. PGE2 can promote COX-2 protein expression and tumor cell proliferation and was used as a control.RESULTS Our results showed that 20 μmol / L TQ significantly reduced human LoV o colon cancer cell proliferation. TQ treatment reduced the levels of p-PI3 K, p-Akt, p-GSK3β, and β-catenin and thereby inhibited the downstream COX-2 expression. Results also showed that the reduction in COX-2 expression resulted in a reduction in PGE2 levels and the suppression of EP 2 and EP4 activation. Further analysis showed that TG treatment inhibited the nuclear translocation of β-catenin in LoV cancer cells. The levels of the cofactors LEF-1 and TCF-4 were also decreased in the nucleus following TQ treatment in a dose- dependent manner. Treatment with low dose TQ inhibited the COX-2 expression at the transcriptional level and the regulation of COX-2 expression was significantly reduced LoVo cell migration. The results were further verified in vivo by confirming the effects of TQ and / or PGE2 using tumor xenografts in nude mice. CONCLUSION TQ inhibits LoV o cancer cell growth and migration, and this result highlights the therapeutic advantage of using TQ in combination therapy against colorectal cancer.
浙江日报讯(记者翁浩浩陆乐)9月29 日上午,省十三届人大四次会议圆满完成预定的各项任务,胜利闭幕.rn闭幕式由大会执行主席、主席团常务主席梁黎明主持.大会执行主席袁家军、
9月10日,浙江省委书记袁家军出席省委党校2020年秋季学期开学典礼并做报告。报告深刻阐述了忠实践行“八八战略”、奋力打造“重要窗口”主题主线,突出强调“全面创新五种思维”要求,向全省上下发出了坚定不移沿着习近平总书记指引的路子走下去的动员令。  当前,全省各级人大要强化“三地一窗口”的政治自觉和使命担当,对照全面创新思维的要求,立足人大工作实际,打破传统路径依赖,进一步推动思路理念和方式方法改进