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随着建筑行业的发展,节能环保已成为发展的趋势,砂浆全面禁止现场搅拌是必然趋势。目前干混砂浆已推向市场,湿拌砂浆也在推广阶段,两者各有各的特点。笔者将根据多年来的施工经验谈谈湿拌砂浆与干混砂浆的优缺点。湿拌砂浆是水泥、细集料、外加剂和水以及根据性能确定的各种组分,按一定的比例,在搅拌站经计量、拌制后,采用搅拌运输车运至使用地点,放入专用容器储存,并在规定时间内使用完毕的湿拌拌合物。湿拌砂浆的优点 With the development of the construction industry, energy saving and environmental protection have become the trend of development. The mortar ban on-site mixing is an inevitable trend. At present, dry mortar has been introduced to the market, wet mortar is also the promotion phase, both have their own characteristics. Based on years of construction experience, I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of wet-mixed mortar and dry-mixed mortar. Wet mixing mortar is cement, fine aggregate, admixture and water and determined according to the performance of various components, according to a certain percentage, in the mixing station after the measurement, mixing, transport by truck to the use of place, into Special containers stored, and within a specified period of time using the wet mix. Advantages of wet mixing mortar
数学源于生活、根植于生活。数学教学就要从学生的生活经验和已有的知识点出发,联系生活讲数学,把生活经验数学化,数学问题生活化。激发学生学习数学的兴趣,让学生深刻体会到生活离不开数学,数学是解决生活问题的钥匙,从而增强学习数学的趣味性。数学教育必须紧密联系现实生活,下面就我教学中的一些体验对数学教学为什么要生活化谈几点看法:    一、培养学生主动学习的愿望,让学生体会到身边有数学    数学教学中,