我在创作中作了一些尝试,特别是追求青绿山水的笔墨感。在表现手法上力求展现笔墨的丰富性并提高技术难度,适当拉大笔圣层次及黑白之间的距离,为设色做好铺垫。在用色上,除中国画的植物色之外, 为提高画面色彩的明度和厚度,我大量运用英国水彩,是色墨融会,相互补充,解决了过去植物色不够厚重饱和的难题。同时,透明的色彩更能彰显笔墨的魅力,使作品产生一种彩墨交融、空灵酣畅、艳而不俗、朴厚无华的艺术境界。
I made some attempts in the creation, especially in the pursuit of a touch of green landscape. In the expression of tactics to show the richness of the ink and improve the technical difficulty, the appropriate increase in pen level and the distance between black and white, to pave the way for the color. In color, in addition to the color of plants in Chinese painting, in order to enhance the lightness and thickness of the colors of the paintings, I made extensive use of English watercolor to make color and ink blend and complement each other, solving the difficult problem of thick, saturated plants in the past. At the same time, the transparent color can better demonstrate the charm of ink and wash, so that the work produces a blend of color and ink, ethereal heart and smooth, colorful and not vulgar, simple and honest artistic realm.