(A) The pre-revisionism of textbooks: Revised Edition- This book was revised in accordance with Volume II of the original Chinese book published by the former People's Education Press. The purpose of the revision is to strengthen the ideological nature of politics and to add some teaching materials suitable for the season so as to make it more Cultivate children well and become socialist workers with culture. The revised version is for use in private primary schools which teach the second volume of this issue. Text deleted from the original textbook: (1) Seasonal texts include swallows, sunflowers, May Day, harvest wheat, wheat, flies, watermelon peel and other 7 classes; (2) the lack of political ideological text There are little babies going to sleep, monkeys wearing straw hat two classes, and some text has only been modified in some places, such as “saffron” class “Mom came home from the factory,” the sentence was replaced by “Mom from the community to come home to meet ”This will make it even more practical for rural children. The lesson of “Incubating chickens” with the words “Chrysanthemum take millet and feed them” is replaced by “Chrysanthemum takes the insects and feeds them”, which is consistent with the spirit of saving food. In addition, the text “Zhang Youxin” changed to Zhang Xinhua, Bai Qiusheng changed to “Bai Qingsheng”, “harmony” should be changed “,” “autumn” changed “Tian Qiusheng”