我的老伴比我小两岁,是个普通工人。我从事教育工作50年,常常在外,很少在家里。有时回家看看,也像作客一样,稍停又走。家里上有老,下有小,生活重担全由妻子一人承担。我的工资低,所以对家庭来说,我是既给不了多少钱,又出不上力。 离休后一度心情烦躁,这也看不惯,那也不顺眼。望着老伴脸上那道道皱纹,头上那根根银丝,觉得她温情中少了几分美丽,多了几分絮叨,整天“芝麻绿豆,鸡毛蒜皮”絮叨没完。我有时哼哼几句,有时干脆默不作声,有时甚至为一些生
My wife is two years younger than me and is an average worker. I work in education for 50 years, often outside, rarely at home. Sometimes go home to see, like a guest, pause and go. There is an old family, a small family, and the burden of living is borne entirely by the wife. My salary is low, so for the family, I can give me not only how much money I can not afford to pay. Reluctant mood once irritable, it can not understand, that is not pleasing to the eye. Looking at his wife’s face that wrinkles wrinkles, the head of that silver root, that her tenderness a little less beautiful, a bit more vile, all day long, “sesame green beans, trivial” endless. Sometimes I hum a few words, sometimes simply silent, and sometimes even for some students