清代蜀中三台名医刘福庆、刘莹父子医术精湛,对地方医学影响颇深,但其成才路径却少有记载,更无考证.通过对所见文献资料进行梳理,刘福庆医学传承以自学为主,兼有家族熏陶;刘莹医学传承既嗣承家传,又深得明师指导,且博采众长.刘氏父子门人众多,大多已无从考证,仅留存部分有姓名者以资参考.“,”LIU Fu-qing and his son LIU Ying,were the famous doctor in the Santai Sichuan of the Qing Dynasty,had excellent medical skills,which influenced the local traditional Chinese medicine quite deep.However,the path of their success were less documented and less textual.This article collected and organized all the related documents.LIU Fu-qing's medical inheritance was based on self-study,with family edification.LIU Ying's medical skills was not only inherited from his family,but also guided from master,and he aggregated the advantage of both.There were a large number of disciples for Liu and his son,but most of them left few related literature,only parts of them remained name for reference.Analysis of LIU's father and son's medical heritage experience,help to understand the origin of Liu's medical,but also for the training of high-level Chinese medicine talents,the old Chinese medicine academic experience to provide reference.