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面板的装配夹心外墙板的基本特征如图1所示。用一层25毫水厚的聚苯乙烯或软木保温层反75毫米厚的外装饰板和100到150mm 厚的内承重板隔开。两层板沿周边连接,而两层混凝土板之间的结构连接可以用直径为6毫米的一种黄铜的S合金系杆,也可以用不锈钢系杆来连接。在少数情况下,也使用低碳钢系杆和磷青铜系杆。当板面向上浇注时,还需做上销子。在内板砌筑好、聚苯乙烯保温层定位后,把系杆通过聚苯乙烯层压进仍然潮湿的内板的混凝土中然后灌注外板并进行装饰性装修。 The basic features of the panel sandwich panel are shown in Figure 1. Use a 25 mm thick polystyrene or cork insulating layer against a 75 mm thick exterior trim panel and a 100 to 150 mm thick inner bearing panel. The two plates are connected along the periphery, and the structural connection between the two concrete slabs can be a brass S alloy rod with a diameter of 6 mm, or stainless steel rods. In a few cases, low carbon steel tie rods and phosphor bronze tie rods are also used. When the panel is poured upwards, it is also necessary to make dowels. After the inner panel is well-laid and the polystyrene insulation layer is positioned, the tie-bars are laminated through polystyrene into the still-moistened concrete of the inner panel and then the outer panels are poured and decorated.
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