目的:探讨多层螺旋CT(multiple-slice CT,MSCT)对初发多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma,MM)的诊断价值。方法:采用西门子Sensation64CT机对17例初发MM患者进行扫描。12例扫描头颅和胸、腹部,3例仅扫描胸部,1例扫描颈部和胸部,1例扫描眼部和胸部。结果:12例多部位扫描者有10例多发病灶,2例阴性。5例单部位或2个部位扫描者3例为多发病灶,2例为单发病灶。MSCT主要表现为骨质破坏、病理性骨折、骨质疏松、软组织肿块等。结论:在临床上对于出现不明原因引起的骨痛或病理性骨折、贫血、蛋白尿等症状,而高度怀疑MM者,早期行MSCT扫描以辅助诊断,避免漏诊、误诊。
Objective: To investigate the value of multiple-slice CT (MSCT) in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma (MM). Methods: 17 patients with newly diagnosed MM were scanned with Siemens Sensation 64CT machine. Twelve cases scans the skull, thorax and abdomen, three cases only scan the chest, one case scans the neck and chest, and one case scans the eyes and chest. Results: There were 10 cases of multiple lesions in 12 cases of multi-site scan and 2 cases of negative. 3 cases of single or 2 site scan in 5 cases were multiple lesions and 2 cases were single lesions. MSCT mainly manifested as bone destruction, pathological fractures, osteoporosis, soft tissue mass. CONCLUSION: In the clinical stage, patients with unknown cause of bone pain or pathological fracture, anemia, proteinuria and other symptoms, while those with high suspicion of MM, early MSCT scan to assist in diagnosis, to avoid misdiagnosis.