回首·展望 把脉互联网营销现状与趋势

来源 :声屏世界·广告人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Cecil1119
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编者按网络媒体的影响力在中国以惊人的速度释放,这是一个前所未有的建立网络媒体品牌和提升影响力的历史转折点。回首2012,互联网行业风起云涌,互动营销、长尾理论、大数据等营销关键词充斥着我们的眼球。以搜狐为代表的门户网站纷纷开始战略升级,重塑营销格局。新年伊始,本刊编辑部特邀搜狐作为门户 The editorials are being released at an alarming rate in China with the influence of online media, an unprecedented turning point in building an online media brand and increasing its influence. Looking back 2012, the Internet industry surging, interactive marketing, long tail theory, big data and other marketing keywords flooded with our attention. Sohu as the representative of the portal have begun a strategic upgrade, reshaping the marketing pattern. At the beginning of the new year, our editorial department invited Sohu as a gateway
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语 言是后天在生活实践中; 反复学习和练习获得的一种与人们进行交流思想、表达心灵及情感的工具。它是属于词的符号系统。语言是以语音或字形为物质外壳,以词汇为建筑材料,