我在《生理卫生》数学中,发现有些问题是学生常易搞错的,甚至在某些考试或练习中编成错题,或作出错答,这样学生就更加真假难辨,因此有必要加以澄清。〈一〉腺体是组识,还是器官有这样一道判断题:“人体内的肠腺属于上皮组织。”答案为“+”(对)。不少学生认为腺体是特化的上皮组织,他们的理由是教材 p.10上讲:“有些上皮组织分化成具有分泌作用的腺上皮,构成人体的各种腺体”从而认为腺体只是上皮组织组成。事实上,腺体中的腺上皮是由上皮组织特化成的,但腺体中还有血管,也有神经支配,
I found some problems in “maternal hygiene” mathematics. Students often make mistakes. Even in some tests or exercises, they make mistakes or make mistakes so that students become more and more fake. Therefore, it is necessary Be clarified. Gland is a group knowledge, or organ has such a judgment question: “The gut in the human body belongs to epithelial tissue.” The answer is “+” (right). Many students think that the gland is a specialized epithelial tissue. The reason for this is that textbook p. 10 states that “some epithelial tissues differentiate into secreted glandular epithelium and form various glands of the human body” Epithelial tissue composition. In fact, glands in the glandular epithelium is specialized by the epithelial tissue, but there are also blood vessels in the gland, but also innervation,